Protect the whole Family with a Healthy Gut Flora: Probiotics

healthy foods

There’s a reason why probiotics are starting to pop up more and more—between appearances in popular yogurt commercials, to an expansion of probiotics available in everyday grocery stores, it’s clear that a demand for these digestive helpers has exponentially increased (and for good reason). If you’re one of those people who has…

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How to Prepare your Family for going back to School

Welcome back to school!

The start of school is quickly approaching, for some it has already started. This can be a joyous time for many families, especially if it is the very first day of school for a child or an adolescent going off to college. Families are experiencing mixed emotions during this time. It is…

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Maintaining Good Mental Health in the Summer

gardening may have some mental health benefits

Many of us look forward to summer the entire year. It (sometimes) brings a relief from cold weather, meaning more opportunities to be outside and enjoy the beautiful sights this city and province have to offer. However, there are aspects of summer that have both positive and negative impacts on our mental…

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