Food Sensitivity Testing: What’s All the Hype About?

by Greg Sikorski

Naturopathic Doctor at HBN

I’m a Naturopathic Doctor here at Healthy By Nature! I use an integrated, natural approach to treating patients that often utilizes lab testing combined with the use of herbs, botanicals, and supplements, in order to get my patients back on track with their health.
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Hi there! I’m a Naturopathic Doctor here at Healthy By Nature. This is my blog where I discuss health from a naturopathic perspective!

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food sensitivity testing
Food sensitivity can cause many different symptoms, making it difficult to independently pinpoint what foods your body is reacting to. Each body and sensitivity is different: some reactions to certain foods may not surface for more than a couple of days for example, which can further complicate the search for ‘food offenders’. It is quite common to believe that the only symptoms that lead to a food sensitivity diagnosis are digestive complications, but there are a variety of conditions that present as a result of the food we ingest. In this article, Dr. Greg explains some of the sneaky side effects of food sensitivities, why having a food sensitivity test is beneficial, and how the results can help you move forward with your health.

Food sensitivity testing is something I’m very passionate about–not only as a Naturopathic Doctor, but also as a patient! A while back, I traveled to Peru with some volunteer work and I returned back with a “friend” AKA a parasite. With time, I was able to get rid of the parasite, but I wasn’t aware of the lasting effects it had on my body. I didn’t know this at the time, but I had developed “leaky gut” (intestinal permeability).

Leaky Gut is a condition where the tight junctions in the gut are no longer regulating properly. These tight junctions regulate the passage of nutrients and water from the digestive system and into the bloodstream. They prevent things like food particles that are too large, bacteria, and toxins, from being absorbed. A leaky gut allows untimely large food molecules into your system and your body reacts by having an improper immune response to these molecules. This can lead to a lot of discomfort.

Prior to learning about my leaky gut, I would be working and then end up curled up on the floor because my stomach hurt so badly. I would have some popcorn and 20 minutes later be in the bathroom crying because I was in so much pain. At times I debated phoning an ambulance. I didn’t know why I was feeling the way I was. It seemed like I was doing everything right: taking probiotics, no longer needed the medications to fight off the parasite, I was stocked up on fish oils, vitamin D and magnesium, and my diet was fairly healthy. What the heck was going on!?!

After fighting with some nasty symptoms, my Naturopathic Doctor suggested that I do the Food Sensitivity Test (FST). The results showed that I had leaky gut. It’s important to note that not everyone who needs this test has a leaky gut; you may only have one or two food sensitivities that are causing various reactions.

The test results helped me to eliminate foods that caused me to have an upset stomach, abdominal pain, rashes and bloating. It also helped me figure out what was causing me to be extremely tired. It allowed me to pin down what exactly was going on in my body, and informed me on how I needed to shift my diet in order to get my body back on track again. I was able to use it like a tool. I know if I eat this; I will probably get a headache. Is this headache worth it? Can I suffer through this or do I know I need to get stuff done today? It helped me figure out what specific foods do to me and if I’m willing to eat it.

Why Should I Consider a Food Sensitivity Test?

Not to be confused with an allergic reaction, a food sensitivity reaction can occur anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 days later after having the offending food, which can make it hard to narrow down what exactly is causing your adverse symptoms. Your immune system, which is designed to fight off bad germs, is over-reacting to certain food molecules in the bloodstream (an immune-mediated reaction to foods).

Another way to test is using the elimination diets method, but what happens if you are reacting to the foods that are in those diets? Things can get tricky fast. When you take a food sensitivity test, you are provided with a handout of the specific foods that are causing problems which allows you and your ND the ability to form a diet that suits your needs.

How Can A Food Sensitivity Test Help?

Unlike what most people think, sensitivity to certain foods can cause more than digestive discomfort. There are a lot of other symptoms that can present themselves. A few problems that can be caused or aggravated as a result of food sensitivity (and therefore treated by its awareness) are:

  • IBS and Indigestion
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Migraines
  • Weight Loss or Gain
  • Asthma and other Lung Conditions
  • Skin Conditions (Dermatitis/Eczema/Psoriasis)
  • Mental Health (Anxiety/Depression)
  • Immune Conditions such as Sjogren’s syndrome, Hashimoto’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc.
  • Candida
  • Chronic Fatigue and Adrenal Fatigue

What Does it Not Test for?

It is important to note that a Food Sensitivity Test will not detect a Food Intolerance (when the body has difficulty digesting certain foods due to lack of enzymes), such as an intolerance to lactose due to a lack of enzymes used to break down the sugars in dairy products. Another example would be if you are suffering from a lack of enzymes to break down things like proteins, fats, and carbs that you are eating–a FST will not detect this.

A food sensitivity test also does not predict or inform about serious food allergies. A Food Allergy is the result of a strong response by the immune system to a food protein that may involve many organs of the body, and can cause life threatening reactions such as an anaphylactic reaction. Certain antibodies (Immunoglobulin E also known as IgE) in the blood can react to food proteins that cause this dangerous allergic reaction that can include symptoms such as hives, vomiting, abdominal pain, swollen tongue and swelling of the respiratory tract (making it hard to breathe).

In contrast, a Food Sensitivity Test relies on a different antibody known as Immunoglobulin G or IgG. There are some theories that IgG (food sensitivity) reactions can be precursors to IgE (food allergy) reactions. So, the test may predict potential allergic IgE anaphylactic reactions later in life.

Other things the FST cannot test for include:

  • Histamine Intolerance
  • SIBO: Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
  • Fermented food reactions (usually due to carbohydrates not being broken down properly)
  • Gallbladder or Liver issues
  • Celiac Disease:–though it helps determine if you have sensitivity to gluten

Your Results

A Food Sensitivity Test may sound scary if you are unsure how the results may impact what you can and cannot eat, but rest assured that taking steps to heal the digestive system can lead to greater tolerance of a wider range of foods in the long run. It can also help prevent you from developing more reactions to additional food in the future.

If you would like to learn about the Food Sensitivity Test I use and to see a sample report of results, you can learn more about it here.

With the guidance of an experienced Naturopathic doctor, it is possible to use the results of an FST to effectively make dietary changes that will help you remove the cause of your symptoms and heal your body. This information can also help a Naturopath support a more challenging condition like leaky gut (food molecules penetrate a damaged intestinal barrier and enter the bloodstream), where many foods are causing symptoms. This helps put less pressure on your system which can help you deal with stress better.

An overall gut healing protocol can be put in place with the help of your Naturopath.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, you might want to find out more about how Dr. Greg Sikorski can help you by booking an appointment with him. He even offers free 15 minute meet-and-greet sessions. Call 403-452-0029 to book an appointment today!

About Greg Sikorski

by Greg Sikorski

Naturopathic Doctor at HBN

I’m a Naturopathic Doctor here at Healthy By Nature! I use an integrated, natural approach to treating patients that often utilizes lab testing combined with the use of herbs, botanicals, and supplements, in order to get my patients back on track with their health.
Learn more about me
Hi there! I’m a Naturopathic Doctor here at Healthy By Nature. This is my blog where I discuss health from a naturopathic perspective!

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