Treating Period Pain and Symptoms caused by Menstrual Irregularities with Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Let’s be blunt: period pain sucks. Many women have their work and personal lives disrupted every month by painful abdominal cramps due to endometriosis and/or fibroids. The degree of discomfort some women experience can lead them to regularly miss work and forego other important activities. It turns out that acupuncture can help…

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Regulating Your Menstrual Cycle with Acupuncture

dealing with menstrual cycle issues

Irregular, painful, short, long, heavy: if any of these words are ones you would use to describe your menstrual cycle, then a Chinese Medicine practitioner may be able to help. Most women think that a period is something that has to be ‘suffered’ through but, contrary to popular belief, a healthy menstrual…

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How Angry are your Periods?

period pains

Often when pain occurs during menstruation, the last thing we think of is inflammation; however, inflammation plays a stronger role in menstrual pain than you may think. In this week’s article Dr. Bristow explains what happens to the levels of CRP, a marker of inflammation, during menstruation, and how this marker can…

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