Bust Your PMS:  Spring 2018 Promotion

Through May 16 2018, we are offering:

10% off Naturopathic Initial Visits with Dr. Stephanie Bristow for those with chief concerns of PMS, menstrual irregularity, or menstrual pain.

Existing patients can also get 10% off an extended follow-up appointment focused on menstrual issues.

Premenstrual Syndrome may be common, but it’s not actually normal! Hard to believe, but PMS is a signal from your body that something is off with your hormonal balance. There are hormonal changes that occur before menses, but those shifts do not need to come with symptoms. There are four main ways that PMS presents and, unfortunately, you can experience them all at the same time! Check out Dr. Bristow’s article for a breakdown of these types and why they occur.

It’s time to Bust Your PMS.
Book Online or call us at 403-452-0029

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