Finding Balance in Imbalance: Chronic Health Issues and Your Body

by Cheryl Lee

Acupuncturist and TCM Doctor at HBN

I’m a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor and Acupuncturist who works in Calgary. I draw upon techniques and a methodology from a time-tested, 3000-year-old practice to bring your body back into balance with its health.

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Hello! I’m a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor and Acupuncturist working in Calgary. This is my blog where I discuss health topics from a Chinese medicine perspective.

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yin yang balance
Living a healthy life requires balance. Often when we experience recurring symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, headaches, weaknesses or pain it is a result of an imbalance. Maybe it is a muscle we are pushing too far or physiological factors such as stress or tension that stem from pushing our work limits. Acupuncture focuses on balance and encourages the body to restore through alleviating stress, promoting blood flow, and easing tense muscles.

A key pillar of the Traditional Chinese Medicinal theories centers around the concept of balance. Balance of meridians, balance of yin and yang, balance of qi and blood, balance of organs, balance of elements, and the list goes on.

An important note about balance is that there is no perfect state of balance that anyone achieves: it’s all about relativity. We are always relatively deficient or in excess, a more dominant organ can cause a deficiency in another, the time of day or season can increase this phenomenon, and our level of stress or joy can alter our state of balance. Even the pressure of trying to have a work-life balance can cause imbalance in stress hormones, emotional state, and physical exhaustion when these goals are or are not being met.

finding balance

So you might be thinking ‘if we can never be in balance, then what is the point of trying?’ The problem with imbalance is that it can be quite tolerable and asymptomatic until it reaches a level that is impossible to ignore. There is a threshold for our homeostasis mechanisms (our body’s way of self-regulating to maintain stability): below this threshold, acute levels of imbalance can be masked without much effort. But as the body is continually stressed and pushed to its limit, the imbalance gets harder to correct and chronic symptoms eventually appear.

Chronic health issues that can stem from an imbalance

These chronic issues can manifest in many ways including digestion issues, sleep disorders, unexplained pain/soreness (non-trauma based), headaches, weak immune system, chronic fatigue, etc. Your body at this point is trying to alert you that you’ve pushed too hard for too long, using these signs to guide you to seek help rebalancing. Unfortunately, these symptoms are often ignored or masked with prescriptions to allow you to push on but it doesn’t have to be that way.

pushing through imbalance

Therapies such as Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can provide your body with the help it needs to rebalance. It can also be used to give you strategies from a preventative standpoint to keep you in balance before signs and symptoms appear.

To find out more about what Dr. Cheryl Lee can do to help you, book a free 15 min Meet and Greet by calling 403-452-0029 or by booking online.

About Cheryl Lee

by Cheryl Lee

Acupuncturist and TCM Doctor at HBN

I’m a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor and Acupuncturist who works in Calgary. I draw upon techniques and a methodology from a time-tested, 3000-year-old practice to bring your body back into balance with its health.

Learn more about me

Hello! I’m a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor and Acupuncturist working in Calgary. This is my blog where I discuss health topics from a Chinese medicine perspective.

Learn more about me

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